Live a double life, strike fear into villains, and bend the law to your will with the Vigilante background—will you be a masked hero or a shadowy avenger?
We go through the 2024 Dungeon Master’s Guide and price out every single item in a convenient spreadsheet for you to edit and make your own!
Whether you like random bits of knowledge or preparing for a D&D trivia night, here are some useless bits of information about Dungeons & Dragons.
We are reviewing the newest Monster Manual for Dungeons & Dragons 2024! Join us as we take a look at the latest ferocious monsters of this edition.
Live a double life, strike fear into villains, and bend the law to your will with the Vigilante background—will you be a masked hero or a shadowy avenger?
With sharp instincts and a keen eye for detail, the Investigator background in D&D equips you to unravel secrets and expose hidden truth
These winged cats are solitary creatures with many wizards seeking them out as magical familiars.
The Nightshades are a family of murderous and cruel shadow creatures who seek only the absolute destruction of life, happiness, and joy. These creatures will stop at nothing to consume all souls in their paths.
This three-headed skeleton commands armies of undead to destroy the world of the living.
Gnits the prankster rogue and Kling the arctic ranger
These brothers are the guitarists for the speed-metal rock band, Blitzkrieg Horror.
A politician of the people and his protector construct.
Our main discussion is on utilizing tools at your table, the development of our Tools series on Dump Stat, and how to create your own. But first, we discuss the trouble that Wizards of the Coast has gotten themselves into and why people keep crying foul over what they perceive as racism in the game.
We review the latest sourcebook from WotC with the release of Spelljammer: Adventures in Space, but first we discuss the latest news concerning OneD&D and the last products in 5e’s lifecycle.
We review the latest adventure anthology from WotC with the release of Journeys Through the Radiant Citadel, but first we discuss the new D&D movie trailer release and what awaits us with the latest Unearthed Arcana and how we will probably, maybe, get Planescape… one day.
Join us as we discuss the changes in Monsters of the Multiverse, how the D&D community will be facing an edition war, and how to counter powerful player tactics that will make a GM’s head spin.
We go over the exciting arrival of Spelljammer and then take a look at some of our favorite bits of lore we uncovered while working on our Deep Dives.
We review the latest adventure from Wizards of the Coast - Critical Role: Call of the Netherdeep! Did we like this book? Do we think you should get it? Listen to find out!
A new starter set for D&D, change in leadership at WotC, a Doctor Who 5e RPG, Dump Stat’s latest adventure, and a discussion on how to spice up your combat encounters.
We discuss the latest news including the new set of books from WotC, DnDBeyond, D&D 50th edition, Critical Role, and then spend the rest of the episode discussing the ranger and why no one likes it.
We review the latest adventure/sourcebook from Wizards of the Coast - Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos! Did we like this book? Do we think you should get it? These answers, and more, can all be found inside!
Chris & Stephen are back after two years! We start this off going over the latest release from Wizards of the Coast: Fizban's Treasury of Dragons.
Chris & Stephen get into a deep discussion of homebrewing monsters, spells, classes and more! Join us as we create a swarm of zombies to better reflect the horror movie tropes, and talk about how damage scales with cantrips, spells and even weapons.
The long awaited Nine Hells adventure put out by WotC! Chris & Stephen go in deep to talk about story, artwork, magic items, hellish machines and so much more!
A new Unearthed Arcana has awaken, join us as we dive into its inky deaths and explore the possibilities!
WotC released a new Unearthed Arcana, which means Chris & Stephen are going over it with a fine-tooth comb! We laugh, we cry and we find plenty of things to complain about, but first we discuss our excitement for Avernus!
Chris and Stephen talk about the pros and cons of Flanking, and how you can adjust it for your own table. They then begin talking about their experiences at Gen Con! Seminars on design philosophy, Eberron, running the Stargate RPG and more!
Chris and Stephen talk about Improv and how they use it to create a better experience at their table, and how improv can help spice up your combats. Later they talk about homebrew and the many things that they are working on and how they go about it.
Mee journeys through Radigast, gets his first ‘quest’ and learns the value of rolling higher Insights when it comes how dangerous these quests might be.
Chris and Stephen review the newest product from Wizard of the Coast, the Essentials Kit! This beginner box has a lot to offer new DMs including: Magic Item card, dice, a DM screen, character sheets, adventures and more!
Chris is going to be DMing Stephen, who is playing a Changeling Fighter gladiator, through the city of Radigast and the World of Greyhawk!
Chris and Stephen talk about high level playing and why it might be so rare to play in a game going up to level 20. Is it because GMs are lazy? Players get bored? Too many magic items? Who knows! Later we talk about building homebrew subclasses and the common pitfalls with homebrew.
Chris and Stephen talk about the Ranger and its many incarnations in 5e and how it stacks up across those renditions. And then we begin our talk on how to create homebrew monsters!
Chris and Stephen talk about the newest updates to the Unearthed Arcana - Artificer and then Chris begins his rants about pets in D&D.
Chris and Stephen talk about the newest adventure from WotC, Ghosts of Saltmarsh! We compare it with the old U series and talk a bit about what we think of the newest hardcover.
Chris and Stephen talk about character backgrounds and how players can make a better one. We then talk a bit about DMing and our different styles and how those effect the table.
Chris and Stephen discuss the finer points of alignment, and whether it has a place in 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons.
Chris and Stephen review the 1980's fantasy movie Willow. Stephen does everything he can to not talk about the movie, while Chris ignores him... but not very well.
Chris & Stephen talk about the Unearthed Arcana Artificer, and compare it to its previous rendition in 2017. They then go on to talk about bear totem barbarian and then the warforged, their innate overpowered abilities and how you might be able to work with them at your table.
Chris & Stephen talk about the different house rules they have used, and what they are currently using now. Chris reminisces about the early days of DnD and how things worked out for his table.
Join Chris & Stephen as they dive into the world of Dungeons & Dragons (2000) with Jeremy Irons. It truly was a movie of its time.
A new island appears in the archipelago - is the party brave enough to deal with hundreds of kobolds attempting to summon their dragon-god? And what’s going on with the turtles?
Back after a long hiatus! This time with a city settings guide for the start of our campaign along with a brief look at what I’m doing next.
I released an abstracted warfare system! I talk a bit about it and hopefully it can find a home in your own games.
We begin our detailing of the first adventure and Stephen reveals the greatest map ever drawn!
We begin working on our first adventure and go over the value of friendship and working together.
How do you begin an adventure? There are a lot of cliche ways to do it, and today we discuss a way to do it slightly differently.
We talk about the state of this adventure so far, and the basics of creating a city.
Journey through a hexcrawl as you put an end to the mushroom plague and finally bring an end to Lief.
We must first understand what our opponents are like before we can truly begin creating a story for them.
Looking for Treasure can take on a variety of different formats, and finding the best one for your table is important.
We create our first story island and get one step closer to finishing our 100 island dream!
In which Stephen totally phones in an article about casting spells while on a voyage across the ocean.
We explore our first major story island and get to the bottom of what our party can expect.
We return to our discussion of the adventure plot line and lay out the important story islands!
Our next two islands of adventure, Gunn & Coll! Join the party as they discover shipwrecked survivors, hard choices and not everything is as it seems!
When a ship mutinies, what exactly does this mean for the table?
More Ale sounds a lot like Morale, and to be honest… I’m pretty sure having more ale would increase the morale!
Morale is an important part of sailing, and we begin listing what can affect it.
Our last bit on Resources, at least for a few weeks, and we cover how finding fresh food on an island can be a great boon to you and your crew!
Resources, resources and more resources! What do resources mean for our islands?
Resources! Resources everywhere! We discuss the weight and cost of food for long voyages, how much does a cannon weigh and all sorts of other things!
We travel to our third island and we ask the all important question… how big is a hex?
We finish up Islands #9 & #10 and make them all pretty for future release! We also talk dragon turtles!
We go back to discovering islands and we hit on two in today’s article!
We go over the opening adventures for the campaign and how we can tie that into our main storyline!
How does one begin an introductory adventure, and what are the key elements?
We go back to the basics and go over the basic story arc for our Archipelago Adventure!
We get lost a few times on the way to our next undiscovered island… but it’s ok, we aren’t that lost.
We head off from our first discovered island on to our next one and we review all of the mechanics for travel!