2024 Action Rules
Amongst the rules changes brought about with the release of the new 2024 ruleset were the Actions one could take on their turn. Some, such as Disengage, had minor tweaks to the wording, but the Action remained the same. Others had changes to the Action's requirements and abilities. Some were minor, while others presented a more significant change, forcing players to change their thinking on how to use them.
New Actions were also introduced - Influence, Magic, Study, and Utilize. Were they an entirely new set of rules and mechanics or pretty new wording under a new title? Below, we'll look at the changes for Actions you may take on your turn.
The 2024 rules clarify how you can use your character's different types of movement. Let's say you have a Burrow or Fly speed of 40 feet. When you take the Dash action, you can use that speed instead of your normal speed. You can choose which speed every time you use the Dash action. Using the higher speed is fantastic, as now you can get to the kobold shooting arrows faster or run away from the red dragon preparing to turn you into a crispy critter.
The Help action is altered so that you may not be able to grant them an automatic Advantage on their next turn. Now, you have to choose from a skill or tool you are proficient in to assist them with their next ability check. You can assist them only if you are within the range of being able to hear you, and must be close enough for you to help them physically.
I like the change, primarily the tool proficiency part. If you have no idea how to use Tinker's Tools, it stands to reason you have no way to help them with something they are crafting. Maybe you could stand behind them, yelling, "You can do it!" in their ear, but that's more annoying than helpful.
A new action, Influence, is when you intimidate, cajole, or entertain a creature into doing something. To accomplish this, you must roleplay your character's actions to persuade the creature to do what you ask. It's up to the DM to decide which of three ways the creature will react.
Willing - you've done such a good job, the creature thinks, "Sure, I'll do that," and no ability check is needed. The only issue with this is the creature will do whatever you've asked them how they feel like doing it. It's probably a good idea to be specific in your wording, but even then, if they think there is a better way to accomplish the task, that's what they'll do.
Unwilling - The creature tells you to go fuck yourself. The good news is you don't have to make an ability check. The bad news is the creature most likely hates you so much it might flip you off and walk away, which is better than being stabbed with a sword.
Hesitant - This is when you'll have to make an ability check to determine if the creature's attitude is Indifferent, Friendly, or Hostile. An Influence Check table suggests which ability check to make based on how you interact with the monster. The DM chooses the check with a default DC equal to 15 or the monster's Intelligence score, whichever is higher.
On a successful check, the creature does what you asked. On a failed check, you're waiting a full day (24 hours) before trying it in the same way again. Based on the wording, you can try multiple ways to Influence the creature, so if they don't find you funny (Performance check), you could scare them (Intimidation) into doing what you want.
It’s a new fancy set of words to cast spells or use a magic item.
Study is a catch-all term for any checks you make to see if you can remember knowledge gleaned from a book, call up a specific memory, study a clue, etc. Think making an Arcana or Investigation check. It’s basically a knowledge check, but since this isn’t Pathfinder, we don’t call it that.
You take the Utilize action when you’re required to use an action to use any object. The definition is short and sweet, but also straightforward. You want to drink a potion, you’ll take the Utilize action to do so. Again, this isn’t Pathfinder, so actions like drawing a sword are considered part of the Attack action.
The City Craft / Gangs of Ferrum Kickstarter
This campaign is not just for a single book, but two!
City Craft is all about building the city, with new spells, subclasses,
stat blocks for everyone you might meet within the city’s walls.
Gangs of Ferrum is a 200-page adventure which takes that information and provides an exciting Lv-1 to Lv-10 adventure taking place in the city of Ferrum including mechanics for running your very own gang!
Make sure to visit the City Craft pre-launch page
so you don’t miss the March 4th kickoff.