Order Processing

Once your order is placed, please allow 1-3 days for processing. Once your order has been shipped, we will email you to let you know your order is on its way!


Shipping charges for your order will be calculated and displayed at checkout. Shipping charges may change, especially for international shipping. We will contact you if they do.

Return Policy

We work to ensure our customers are satisfied with their purchases. If you are unhappy with your purchase for any reason, we’ll be happy to return or exchange the product within seven (7) days for a full refund, exchange, or store credit.

To return a product, send the product back to Dump Stat Adventures, 1451 Lake Drive SE #68851, Grand Rapids, MI 49516. We will send a confirmation email once we have received your returned item(s) and will refund your money within 24 hours. Customers are responsible for all shipping costs.

For customer support or additional questions, you can contact us at dumpstatadventures@gmail.com 

Please note that we cannot accept returns for any products that have been downloaded.