In the past playing D&D and treating your addictions were treated the same.
All tagged 2e
In the past playing D&D and treating your addictions were treated the same.
We’re looking at races again, with a focus on the races from previous editions.
Porcupines, asteroids, and squids. Spelljammer ships come in all shapes and sizes.
Let's explore the history and current incarnations of the last eight Spelljammer ships from Spelljammer: Adventures in Space.
Spelljammer has sixteen ships for you to fly the Astral Sea on. This week we look at the history and 5e versions of the first eight.
It’s time to unearth some of the spells that have been lost throughout the editions.
Early edition monsters are fun, strange, and have some of the worst art ever.
Don’t get caught unaware. Surprise isn’t a round or a condition, but it is an effective tactic to use.
From charts to THAC0 to the d20 system, the core mechanics in D&D have evolved from overly difficult to perhaps overly simple.
Reversible Spells can be fun, goofy, and extremely useful depending on how how you use them!