A review of The Long Tomorrow by Leigh Brackett, a novel that takes us across North America after the bombs drop.
A review of The Long Tomorrow by Leigh Brackett, a novel that takes us across North America after the bombs drop.
There is a problem in Dungeons & Dragons, and it is a troll to get rid of.
It can be hard as a Forever GM to become a player, here are some lessons I’ve learned.
While many may find the beliefs of cargo cults to be odd, we all have odd rituals that help explain the world around us.
A review of The Hobbit, one of the most famous books to influence Dungeons & Dragons.
Writing a campaign is hard, why not let someone else do the tedious work?
There are a lot of secrets out there, and they make wonderful sidequests!
Being an assassin is hard, but with these tips, you can plan out the perfect plot!
What makes magic so magical are the rules that govern its existence.