Mechanics for running an encounter inside of a burning building.
Mechanics for running an encounter inside of a burning building.
The common people have a very different relationship to magic. We dive in how the common people of any world are going to interact with magic, and how they differ from adventurers.
We go over how to create a one-shot and what are the important things to keep in mind to ensure it runs smoothly.
Here are three rules and ideas from Blades in the Dark to create more excitement at your table!
We begin pricing out all the items in the DMG under the A section.
Gardener’s Tools is for farmers, gardeners, and more who have an understanding of cultivating plants and summoning plant spirits.
The City of Brass is a fiery city located on the Plane of Fire. It is known as the oldest city in the multiverse and has the largest markets where anything can be bought and sold.
Our series continues as we go over permanent damage, bonuses to ability scores, and more!
Venture into the dangerous depths of the shadow plane, braving the gloom that threatens to drown you in despair.
The Bloodied Hand are a powerful gang of thieves and cut throats who will stop at nothing to control the city of Ferrum.