Pricing Magic Items - Part 8 — Dump Stat Adventures

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Pricing Magic Items - Part 8

Pricing Magic Items - Part 8

With the release of this article, I have added all (non-artifacts) from Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything to the Magic Item Pricing spreadsheet! There is much rejoicing for many (and others who routinely like to tell me that my prices are out of whack, you can’t put a price on friends made along the way magic items, and so on, maybe a bit less rejoicing).

As usual, I won’t go at too great a length about it, but I will highlight a few things below. I also didn’t price artifacts, just like before. I do hold some things to be sacred and priceless. Here are links to the updated spreadsheet - it’s the same Google Sheets link as the version before.

Here are the previous posts in case you want to reference them, some of the information may be outdated as I adjusted things as I worked.

Part 1 / Item Rarity, Restoring HP with a Consumable, Damage with Consumable (no save), Damage with Consumable (with save), Magic Weapons
Part 2 / Spell Levels & Spell Scrolls, Conditions with a Save
Part 3 / Permanent Items, Magical Enhancements, Armor Class
Part 4 / Items with Semi-Permanent Damage, Permanent Damage, Increase Ability Scores
Part 5 / Pricing out the “A” items in the Dungeon Master’s Guide
Part 6 / Pricing of the first 100 items
Part 7 / Pricing all of Dungeon Master’s Guide and Xanathar’s Guide to Everything

What’s New

Luckily, for me, there weren’t really any new formulas I had to add as what I’ve already created was pretty easy to adjust for some of the new items and mechanics that Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything introduced. What I can tell right away from this book is that monks are hated and will never get any new items (alright, besides one item in Fizban’s).

Sorry monk fans. You’ll just have to be happy with everyone’s sloppy second-hand magic items.

What is new, though, is that spellcasters get a ton of magic items to boost their Spell Attacks, Spell Save DCs, and wizards get a ton of items to provide them even more versatility since that’s the one thing that wizards need, extra doses of versatility in a game that they already excel at and leave many other classes in the dust.

In addition, we get so many tattoos! These items aren’t hard to get prices for since they aren’t that weird in their application, you just wear the magic item directly on your skin instead of just wearing it as clothing like other items.

Spell Save DCs

I’ve gone over before how to price out Spell Save DCs and it is the same pricing structure as bonuses to AC. They are both used as a ‘defensive’ ability where you force the opposing creature to try and beat your total, so it makes sense that one works for the other.

Prepping New Spells

Each wizard school got their own little book where they get access to a variety of extra spells (giving them even more spells to prep their spell slots for) as well as the option of swapping out spells. There isn’t a spell like that, at least, as far as I know - but it felt like the same kind of power that a fireball or tiny hut has.

For pricing purposes, I treated that ability as a 3rd-level spell. Its good, but it doesn’t get into the game breaking physics as higher level spells have.


The newest type of magic items are tattoos - which are cool but don’t really do anything crazy or out of the box. It all is fairly standard magic item effects, which makes it easy to price out. Since all of the tattoos function differently, there isn’t much to say without only talking about them individually. The biggest thing is that not all tattoos require concentration, the ones that don’t destroy themselves. This is an important element to think about if you are wanting to build your own tattoo magic items.

Also, for those who don’t know, I created a bit of homebrew to make Tattoo Supplies a tool for crafting magical tattoos!

Pricing Out

That’s the article this week, I hope that you can put my spreadsheet to use! If you’ve already priced out your own version of Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything I’d love to hear my prices and yours compare.

Is there an item that I didn’t properly account for a power? Is something way overpriced? Let me know!

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