Tool Craft Recipe Deck - PDF

Tool Craft Recipe Deck - PDF


Tool Craft is your guide for making tools, kits, and supplies useful in your 5th edition campaign.

This set of 189 cards features recipes from Tool Craft for Alchemist’s Supplies, Brewer’s Supplies, Cook’s Utensils, Herbalism Kit, and Poisoner’s Kit.

Includes individual PDFs for each tool, a PDF for printing the cards on standard printer paper, and a PDF containing all recipes.

A physical set of cards for Tool Craft will be available for purchase soon.

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Included Tools, Kits, and Supplies

Alchemist’s Supplies, Brewer’s Supplies, Cook’s Utensils, Herbalism Kit, Poisoner’s Kit

The Adventurer's Store TheAdventurersStore-2.jpg

The Adventurer's Store

Tool Craft - PDF ToolCraft_202404_v1-1-70.jpg

Tool Craft - PDF

Tool Craft - Book & Deck Bundle ToolCraft_Squarespace_ImageSlide1.jpg

Tool Craft - Book & Deck Bundle

Tool Craft - PDF Book & Deck Bundle ToolCraft_202404_v1-1-4.jpg

Tool Craft - PDF Book & Deck Bundle

Tool Craft - Foundry VTT Module

Tool Craft - Foundry VTT Module
