Augustus Welhellim (Cleric) & Dr Henrik Jesper (Macabre Enthusiast)
Header Art: D&D Gnome Fan Art by Sam Rowan and Plague Doctor by Anastasia Mist
Augustus Welhellim - Cleric
Augustus will not be found in any temple or church, as he wanders the countryside helping those in need. Individuals who happen upon him are greeted as friends, offering whatever aid he can; whether it is food, comfort, or tending to wounds. Beneath his empathy for others lies a deep sadness, tinged with anger towards no one but himself. Augustus seeks redemption, fearing it shall never come due to the gravity of his sins.
D&D Gnome Fan Art by Sam Rowan, Art Inspiration for Augustus Welhellim
Physical Description
Augustus stands a mere 3 feet tall, weighing no more than 35 pounds. His skin is a bright tan color, marred by various old scars on his hands an arms. His muscular physique, along with a set of well-worn leather armor, is hidden beneath his only other garments, holy vestments.
Augustus spent his youth training in the art of death and deception. Working as an assassin for various noble houses, his quarry often realized his deadly talents too late. Augustus played on the typical gnome stereotypes, portraying himself as carefree and jovial. This allowed him access to those he had been hired to kill. He had no limitations, spending his early life killing men, women, and children of all races.
After a contract went terribly awry, Augustus suffered a life-altering crisis of conscience. He refuses to speak of what affected him so deeply, but after wandering the world for a year, Augustus emerged a new man. Eschewing his previous life, he is now a caregiver, attending to those in need. When confronted about his faith and to whom he prays to, Augustus offers a wry smile, informing those who ask that his faith is less about to whom you pray to, but the belief in the greater.
Vestments of the Redeemed
Armor (vestments), very rare (requires attunement by a cleric)
This odd clerical vestment appears as a full body black robe and cape. While wearing it, you have a bonus +2 to your AC. In addition, the vestments also act as your spellcasting focus.
Quick Reference Traits
Personality Traits. Augustus has a quick smile and soothing words for everyone which hides his profound sadness.
Ideals. He believes in something greater than himself, though he doesn't share that with others.
Bonds. Assisting those in need and doing one's best to leave all others alone.
Flaws. He is quick to anger when innocents are harmed.
Adventure Hook
Augustus needs the party's assistance in providing refugees with safe passage through the dangerous wilds.
Augustus's past has caught up with him and wants the party to find out who is trying to kill him.
A family under his care was kidnapped or murdered. He wants the perpetrators brought to justice but is scared of doing it himself in case he slips back into his old life.
Dr. Henrik Jesper - Macabre Enthusiast
Doctor Henrik Jesper grew up in Senca, a city well known for its lack of care for ancient ruins and its grave parties. In Senca, graves are dug up, and tombs broken into, their contents brought back to Senca to be displayed in a large party known as a grave party. During these parties, people can wear the clothes and jewelry of the dead, exhume sarcophagus that have long been sealed and explore all that death and decay has to offer. This city and these parties helped guide Henrik Jesper to become a doctor and to study how to create life.
Plague Doctor by Anastasia Mist, Art Inspiration for Dr Henrik Jesper
Physical Description
Dressed in a black, leather suit with a bird's beak mask, Henrik stands just 6 feet tall. A black cane with a bird's face as its pommel is always in hand, and he carries with him a variety of tools for embalming and dissection. When he takes the mask off, he has a flop of curly, black hair and pale brown skin.
Born in Senca, Henrik Jesper was immediately attracted to the grave parties that nobles, rich merchants, universities, and more put on. His first party he went to was when he was 8 and he discovered the joy of the macabre. From then on, he has devoted his life to understanding life and death. More specifically, how to create life in spite of death.
Doctor Death. Henrik likes to collect bones and anatomical specimens from interesting creatures from across the world. He believes he is just a few important ingredients shy of creating life, though more than a few people would gladly like to stop him from doing so. He pays little heed to them, but as his experiments continue, so do his critics.
While Henrik could secure the title of Doctor from a university, it wasn't long before he was run off and banned from it. The Senca Studies and University wasn't as understanding of his research as he had hoped when he had shown the dean, but he understands that some minds are too fearful of death. Unfortunately for Henrik, most universities and hospitals have no interest in funding his research. To this end, Henrik has had to make do as a private investor for grave parties.
Quick Reference Traits
Personality Traits. Henrik holds a morbid fascination with the macabre and anatomy.
Ideals. Henrik is dedicated to learning the secrets of life and death so that he may have mastery over it.
Bonds. The world believes that life is reserved for the gods solely, I will show them that isn't true.
Flaws. Henrik sees enemies and jealousy in most people who accuse him of being evil or a monster.
Adventure Hooks
Within the swamps of the Tropska jungles are ancient tombs just waiting to be unearthed. Henrik would very much like it if a group of adventurers would head to one and bring back items for an upcoming grave party Henrik is putting on.
Henrik has finally done it! His latest creation was a success and he could feed life into an assembled mass of limbs without using magic or spellcasting. Unfortunately, it seems wholly bent on killing people and so Henrik would like someone to capture it and bring it back so he can continue his studies on it. No destroying his first child!
Grown tired of mockery, Henrik is looking to hire a few toughs to go and steal a rival's research, and destroy anything they can't bring back with them. He'll pay double if they do it without anyone tracing it back to him.
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