So You Want to be a Superhero - Weapon Mastery

So You Want to be a Superhero - Weapon Mastery

One new feature in the 2024 Player's Handbook is Weapon Mastery. Barbarians, fighters, paladins, rangers, and rogues gain this feature starting at 1st level—sorry, spellcasters. Weapon Mastery doesn't discriminate, either. Every weapon type and every weapon has a mastery trait. Right out of the gate, a simple dagger wielded by a 1st level fighter has the Nick trait.

Quite honestly, giving this to melee heroes is insane. As we'll see below, some of the traits are pretty powerful. Even the ones that may not seem good on the surface give the weapon something that will put the poor, defenseless creatures in grave danger. Sure, it's fun if you are playing a barbarian who loves to hit things, but is it good for the game?

While I'm holding final judgment until the new Monster Manual is released, Weapon Mastery throws off the game's balance. It's not only the party balance but the entire game's balance. Melee heroes were strong from the get-go in 5e, and Weapon Mastery makes them even stronger, especially in comparison to spellcasters. At lower levels, it gives heroes a considerable advantage over low-CR creatures. At higher levels, the masteries remain impactful.

So here's all the Weapon Mastery Traits in all their glory. Have fun, melee fighters; monsters have no chance against your might.


If you hit a creature with a melee attack roll using this weapon, you can make a melee attack roll with the weapon against a second creature within 5 feet of the first that is also within your reach. On a hit, the second creature takes the weapon’s damage, but don’t add your ability modifier to that damage unless that modifier is negative. You can make this extra attack only once per turn.

Weapons - Great Axe, Halberd

In my humble opinion, this has been missing for quite a long time. The Cleave mastery property is a fantastic way to increase damage output against multiple enemies without using extra actions. It's instrumental in fights against swarms or closely packed enemies, making it an ideal choice for fighters and barbarians. Even though you don't add your ability modifier to the second hit's damage, it's still free damage (so long as you hit) that doesn't cost an Action or Bonus Action. Only two weapons have the Graze trait but they both have some of the highest damage output in the game, making Cleave even more punishing when it lands.


If your attack roll with this weapon misses a creature, you can deal damage to that creature equal to the ability modifier you used to make the attack roll. This damage is the same type dealt by the weapon, and the damage can be increased only by increasing the ability modifier.

Weapons -Glaive, Greatsword

Never miss with your greatsword again! It doesn't seem fair, does it? The damage scales with your ability modifier. When a primary ability score is maxed out at high levels, it guarantees at least six (6) damage on a miss, which is significant over multiple attacks. Consistent damage per round is the name of the game for melee heroes. This helps negate those missed rolls throughout combat and ensures you always do some damage. When you combine that with a class that has multiple attacks per round, those seemingly six measly points of damage add up real quick.


When you make the extra attack of the Light property, you can make it as part of the Attack action instead of as a Bonus Action. You can make this extra attack only once per turn.

Weapons - Dagger, Light Hammer, Sickle, Scimitar

The Nick mastery property is a massive buff for two-weapon fighting, making it far more viable in combat. This mastery is essential for those who love dual-wielding but hate losing your Bonus Action. This is a massive buff to dual-wielders, especially for Rangers, Rogues, and Fighters, who often have competing uses for their Bonus Action. If you don't get Extra Attack - looking at you rogues - this lets you swing twice per turn while keeping your Bonus Action open. For rogues, it's an added chance to land Sneak Attack. Rangers can dual-wield while still using hunter's mark. Fighters' extra Action Surge can bring even the mightiest foes to their knees, begging to be spared.


If you hit a creature with this weapon, you can push the creature up to 10 feet straight away from yourself if it is Large or smaller.

Weapons - Greatclub, Heavy Crossbow, Pike, Warhammer

Pushing people around isn't very nice. That said, the Push mastery property is a strong tactical option for players who value the importance of battlefield control. It's simple to use but incredibly versatile, making it an excellent choice for characters who want to do more than just deal damage. Move your target out of key positions, which is especially useful to eliminate the threat of a flanking bonus. Squishy wizards will be forever thankful if you knock away a creature bearing down on them, sword drawn and blood lust in their eyes. Push your foes into a deep of vipers or a wall of fire. The list of things you can do simply by moving your opponent 10 feet is long.
The cherry on top is Push doesn't require a pesky saving throw. You hit the target, and they are pushed 10 feet, making it much more reliable than many other forms of forced movement.


If you hit a creature with this weapon, that creature has Disadvantage on its next attack roll before the start of your next turn.

Weapons - Flail, Longsword, Mace, Morning Start, Spear, Warpick

Arguably the best weapon property on the list, it amazes me how many weapons have this property. Disadvantage on attacks is crazy good. Even better, it’s not only on attacks made on you but on any attack they make. It scales well, too; at higher levels, when you have extra attacks, a hit on multiple targets makes it harder for multiple targets to hit you. Do I need to say more?


If you hit a creature with this weapon and deal damage to it, you can reduce its Speed by 10 feet until the start of your next turn. If the creature is hit more than once by weapons that have this property, the Speed reduction doesn’t exceed 10 feet.

Weapons - Club, Javelin, Light Crossbow, Longbow, Musket, Sling, Whip

Slow may not be the sexist of the weapon masteries. If you’re into keeping your target in range - hello battlefield control - it’s excellent. When you think about the slow condition, you usually think of some sort of spell, so now even melee heroes can get in the action. Slow is great for locking down those annoying ranged attackers or spellcasters who try to kite you. Used in conjunction with difficult terrain-causing spells such as spike growth or grease, the target will have difficulty moving, let alone getting away from you. This can force enemies to take the Dash action, essentially wasting their turn.


If you hit a creature with this weapon, you can force the creature to make a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 plus the ability modifier used to make the attack roll and your Proficiency Bonus). On a failed save, the creature has the Prone condition.

Weapons - Battle Axe, Lance, Maul, Quarterstaff, Trident

Knocking someone Prone is always good. When you have extra attacks at higher levels, it’s a serious problem for your target. Knocking a target Prone usually requires you to use your action in some manner that does not include an Attack or casting a spell. You’re a mighty melee hero, so spells be damned! Your focus is on hitting their target and knocking them Prone is a fantastic bonus to any hit. The drawback to Topple is the target gets a Saving Throw. Oddly, this is the only weapon mastery that requires one. My guess is the designers thought it would be overpowered if they didn’t…and I agree entirely


If you hit a creature with this weapon and deal damage to the creature, you have Advantage on your next attack roll against that creature before the end of your next turn.

Weapons - Blowgun, Dart, Handaxe, Hand Crossbow, Pistol, Rapier, Shortbow, Shortsword

Instead of giving your foes Disadvantage on their attacks (Sap), you give yourself Advanatge. I know many people who prefer this because hitting things is fun, and at higher levels, melee heroes can be awfully hard to hit. It’s another mastery that plays right into the hands of most melee heroes with extra attacks. Even if you only land a blow on your last attack, Vex lasts until the end of your next turn. So if you’re dice hate you, you can throw them across the room, grab two new ones, and roll them on your first attack next round. Vex is exceptionally beneficial to rogues looking to land their Sneak Attack.

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D&D 2024 Backgrounds - Grifter

D&D 2024 Backgrounds - Grifter

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