More Exotic Mounts

More Exotic Mounts

If you want to read our previous articles on mounts, they can be found here:
Exotic Flying Mounts
Exotic Mounts
War Mounts
I Want a Pony - Mounts

It's been a bit since we talked about mounts, so I figured it was time to check back in with them. As I have said throughout the previous three articles on your riding buddy, mounts are criminally underutilized in D&D. We'veWe've talked over the course of two articles about great mounts and the fun you could have with them. Now let's look at those mounts that have more in common with a horse than a riding ogre.

In case you've forgotten, non-independent mounts can do the following:

While you're mounted, you have two options. You can either control the mount or allow it to act independently. Intelligent creatures, such as dragons, act independently.
You can control a mount only if it has been trained to accept a rider. Domesticated horses, donkeys, and similar creatures are assumed to have such training. The initiative of a controlled mount changes to match yours when you mount it. It moves as you direct it, and it has only three action options: Dash, Disengage, and Dodge. A controlled mount can move and act even on the turn that you mount it.
Player’s Handbook

So let’s jump right into it, and take a look at our newest exotic mounts to zoom around on in your campaign.

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If you want to bounce around the battlefield, the kangaroo is the mount for you. These tall bi-pedal creatures have long pointy ears, a 'pouch' located by their navel, and pronounced muzzles. A kangaroo stands over 6-1/2 feet tall and can weigh upwards of 200 pounds. The most notable thing about them is their muscular legs which allow them to make incredible leaps. Small humanoids get to sit in the pouch, but without a specially designed harness to keep you snug, there's a high probability you'll fly out, usually with dire consequences.

Usually a passive creature, a kangaroo is more than capable of defending itself if cornered or provoked. The kangaroo is the boxer of the animal kingdom, as they can punch you in the face with their fists if you tick them off. They can also strike out at foes with a powerful kick, causing a creature to stumble backward. To do so, the kangaroo will balance itself using its tail and strike out with its powerful legs.


Super pigs! Once simple pigs lived on the farm, the okja were transformed with arcane magic of unknown origin. It's always magic, that strange and twisted force that's created creatures since 1974. It is rumored that their creators hoped to create a magical source of food that would allow individuals to exist without nourishment for weeks on end. This endeavor failed as the okja has a thick protective hide making it challenging to harvest their meat. The okja put dogs to shame as loyal pets, but only for those that can afford them.

Surprisingly fast for a creature of their size, the Okja lacks the agility to make tight turns in combat. They are friendly towards most creatures but are very protective of their riders.


Based on Tuk Tuk from Raya and the Last Dragon, the tukarm is a third-pill bug, third-armadillo, and third-pug hybrid. Friendly and loyal, most tukarm mounts forge a bond with their rider, doing whatever they can to protect and serve them.

Once again, magic is at play, as the tukarm was created by a small group of mages. They weren't an evil cabal trying to take over the world, just a curious bunch of intellectuals messing with nature. They attempted to crossbred hundreds of creatures with the tukarm as their sole success. They studied them for decades, after which the mages released them into the wild. As time passed and the tukarm multiplied, some were domesticated as people realized they made speedy mounts.

The tukarm has two 'forms' they can take. In their normal state, the tukarm travels at 30 feet and on all four legs. The creature's unique ability is to roll into a ball and speed along at twice their standard rate. The shell rotates quickly, but the center mass of the tukarm does not. A special saddle was created, which was fastened to this center mass but allowed the shell to slide without causing friction. The tukarm can also use its mighty claws to burrow underground. Having tremorsense, the tukarm can scare the crap out of you when it erupts out of the ground right next to you.


Full disclosure - I stole this one from Stephen. Those that have joined our Patreon may recognize these gentle giants from our Homebrew Horde.

 This large mammal has a massive shell that protects it, similar to an armadillo or a turtle. They are typically about 11 feet in length, 5 feet tall, and weigh up to 2 tons. There have been reports of dire glyptodon that can reach up to 20 feet in length and weigh over 10 tons, but if they are real, only a handful exist.

They are gentle creatures who, thanks to their thick shell, have few natural predators. They spend their days wandering prairies and thin forests, munching on thick weeds. Trained as mounts, the Glyptodon is not the fastest creature, but in battle, they are sturdy and can use their massive girth to deliver deadly blows.

War Drake

Dragons that aren't really dragons, drakes are cool. Once again, I may have 'borrowed from Stephen, as he has created several different drakes for our Horde. The war drake is my original creation, so I'm taking full credit for it.

The war drake is a large cousin of the urban drake, the war drake is a fully domesticated creature that nobles have trained to use as flying mounts. They like people, but if you upset its rider, you'll get ripped to shreds. The war drake is often fitted with an armor light enough not to hinder its flying maneuverability but strong enough to provide the same protection as plate mail.

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Header Art Credit - Wizards of the Coast

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