Homebrew Backgrounds - Circus Performers
There are so many colorful individuals who make the circus an exciting, laugh-filled event that it only makes sense to create backgrounds for them. There are so many, in fact, I will break the circus backgrounds into two articles. I swear it has nothing to do with poor time management and being easily distracted.
Today's agenda includes the acrobat, animal tamer, and clown. Have you been to the circus? If so, you'll know these three are staples of any self-respecting big-top extravaganza. If you love jumping, doing summersaults, and flipping, the acrobats will get your juices flowing. They have the energy of a 5-year-old who ate all the leftover Halloween candy you forgot to throw away. Thankfully these professionals have a little more agility than the chocolate-drunk little buggers.
Speaking of 5-year-olds, the clown loves to make them laugh so hard they puke up all that chocolate. They don't do it in a mean way. They dress up in silly costumes, apply their bright and colorful makeup, and set forth to delight those attending the circus. A clown wants nothing more than to bring joy to children and adults like. You can take you're children-eating clowns the hell out of here. This is a family show, dammit.
Finally, there's the Animal Tamer. You must be out of your mind to make a living by sticking your head into a lion. Then again, if things go wrong, your death will be quick, unlike the slow and mind-numbing decay those who work in a cubicle 8 hours a day experience. Our Animal Tamer works with all manner of beasts, some willing, some not. But one way or another, they (mostly) come to heel and perform for the audience. It's a remarkable skill, gaining control over another creature without cheating by using their fancy magic - looking at you, druids.
Ability Scores: Dexterity, Wisdom, Charisma
Feat: Parkour
Skill Proficiencies: Acrobatics, Perception and Performance
Tool Proficiencies: Healer’s Kit
Equipment: Choose A or B: (A) Healer’s Kit, burglar’s pack, pole, traveler’s clothes, 25 gp or (B) 50 gp
The question isn't what can you do, but what can't you do when it comes to jumping, rolling, and leaping through the air.? Your natural dexterity was evident when you were young but was seen as a nuisance. You had trouble sitting still and always needed to move around, which was disruptive in the classroom, at church, and in your own home. As soon as you could, you ran away to the circus, where your talents were appreciated, and you could put your skills to work.
But to be in the circus, more than the skills of jumping off walls or balancing on a narrow beam were required. You needed to learn to play to the crowd. They needed to feel like they were part of the action. You learned how to use the energy in your performance to thrill the crowd. As their enthusiasm grew and cheering grew louder, you moved faster and attempted more gravity-defying feats. Their cheering brought with it a natural high that fueled you.
Other Background Story Ideas
Before becoming a circus performer, you entered the monastery hoping to become a monk. Your natural skills were there, but you lacked focus. Several monks were jealous of your abilities, and you were eventually sent packing.
You and your friends were addicted to the adrenaline of doing daring stunts. You kept doing more and more dangerous tricks, one of which led to the death of one of your group. Criminal charges were brought, and you ran away to the circus rather than face to consequences.
You made a living performing stunts on the streets. A copper here, a silver there was barely enough to feed you and keep a roof over your head. That is until the leader of a traveling circus saw you and offered you a way to make some real money.
Origin Feat
While you are not wearing heavy armor or wielding a shield, you gain the following benefits:
Acrobatic Athlete. You gain proficiency in Acrobatics or Athletics (choose one). If you are already proficient in both, you instead double your Proficiency Bonus for one of them.
Creature Climber. You have advantage on checks to climb a creature two sizes larger than you.
Wall Runner. You can move across solid vertical surfaces without falling during your turn.
Animal Tamer
Ability Scores: Wisdom, Charisma, Strength
Feat: Beastmaster
Skill Proficiencies: Animal Handling, Intimidation, and Athletics
Tool Proficiencies: Leatherworker’s Tools
Equipment: Choose A or B: (A) Leatherworker’s Tools, barding equipment, songhorn, traveler’s clothes, waterskin, whip, 35 gp or (B) 50 gp
You've always been fascinated by animals and beasts. You didn't have a deep connection with them like those in the druidic orders or the rangers who roam the forests. Instead, you sought to tame feral and wild beasts. In no way did you do this out of cruelty. In your mind, trained animals could benefit society by using their abilities to help society.
Not all animals were keen on being brought under your control, and you have the bite and scratch marks to prove it. These mishaps did nothing to deter you. You learned from these experiences. Sometimes, a firm hand was needed to bring a beast to heel. Other times, a gentle word or caress was all that was required. Some were simply food-motivated, and just a few meat scraps were needed to have them follow your commands. You joined the circus because you wanted to bring joy to the people and show them that not all beasts were dangerous or something to be feared.
Other Background Story Ideas
The local elite hired you to train exotic beasts they wanted as pets. You were able to do so, only to watch in horror the cruelty the animals were subjected to at the hands of their owners. You absconded with the beasts, finding yourself on the run from their previous owners, who want them back.
You joined a druidic circle, thinking you could put your skill with animals to good use. It turned out that nature involved too many bugs and poisonous plants. You left on good terms but had no idea what to do with your life next.
Origin Feat
Carrot or Stick
Beasts will submit to your control, but how to go about doing that varies.
You gain the following benefits.
Speak with Animals. You know the speak with animals spell. You always have it prepared. You can cast it once without a spell slot and regain the ability to cast it in that way when you finish a Long Rest. You can also cast the spell using any spell slots you have.
Tame the Beast. You have Advantage on all Influence checks made against Beasts.
Whip Master. While you’re holding a whip, you can take a Reaction to make one melee attack against a creature that enters the reach you have with that weapon.
Ability Scores: Charisma, Wisdom, Dexterity
Feat: Make Them Laugh
Skill Proficiencies: Performance and Insight
Tool Proficiencies: Disguise Kit
Equipment: Choose A or B: (A) Disguise Kit, backpack, costume, bedroll, mirror, 10 days of rations, waterskin, 10 gp or (B) 50 gp
You come from a long line of clowns, jesters, and jokesters. Your parents, their parents, and their parents before them were all well-known clowns. Your childhood was a great life, spent on the road, watching them perform and delighting adults and children alike. A combination of slapstick, emotion, and general buffoonery could make the crowds roar with laughter.
Following in your family's footsteps, you joined a modest traveling circus. You knew the basics from all the years with your parents, but you expanded your knowledge on the art of humor, the importance of makeup and costume, acrobatics, and, most importantly, how to make others laugh in times of despair. It was in the circus tents and brightly colored stages that you understood why you and all your relatives before you became a clown. Entertaining crowds with wild antics, an exaggerated appearance, and silly jokes brought the crowd, and by extension, you, an incomparable sense of happiness. Over the years, you perfected your ability to turn sorrow into joy and sadness into laughter.
You love being on the road and discovering new people, places, and things. While your heart remains light and your desire to delight people, you've realized you want an adventure of a different type and have set out to find it.
Other Background Story Ideas
Your parents were known for their eccentric acts that blended magic and humor in stunning displays. However, their careers came at a price—both were tragically lost in a magical accident when you were only a child.
You thought all clowns were driven to bring happiness to the world…until you discovered there were evil clowns amongst us. One such clown was responsible for the kidnapping and murder of several you children in your city. Such horror and evil have driven you to rid the world of any such creature that would seek to instill fear into the hearts of others.
Origin Feat
Clown Initiate
You have a knack for making people laugh so hard that sometimes tears roll down their faces.
You gain the following benefits.
Hideous Laughter. You know the hideous laughter spell. You always have it prepared. You can cast it once without a spell slot and regain the ability to cast it in that way when you finish a Long Rest. You can also cast the spell using any spell slots you have.
Mime. When you cast a spell, you ignore all verbal component requirements.
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Art Credit - WotC (Alexander Mokhov)