Building homes, furniture and all your wood-based projects with your Carpenter’s Tools.
Building homes, furniture and all your wood-based projects with your Carpenter’s Tools.
The Astral Plane is the space between everything, and is the nothingness of everywhere.
With a clever lie and a stroke of a pen, you could topple kingdoms or get a fancy new castle with your Forgery Kit!
Are you the King? Or just a street urchin? No one can tell once you get your disguise on with your Disguise Kit!
Visiting the Feywild can be a dangerous proposition for any adventurer, but the sheer beauty is worth it.
Herbalism is all about finding potent ingredients and making valuable poultices and salves for your party.
The planes, the material world and the cosmology of Dungeons & Dragons. This new series shows how you can use it in your games and how it all works.
Utilize your Glassblower’s Tools to craft weapons, equipment, and even armor out of glass.
Creating a fun mini-game to make Hunting a fun and exciting part of your table!