This plane of good and order has a dark secret hidden on its second layer.
All in The Planes
This plane of good and order has a dark secret hidden on its second layer.
Journey to the Gray Wastes of Hades and experience the ultimate evil of the multiverse - a plane of no hope and no emotion.
Visit the plane of peaceful rest, a pure good-aligned plane focused on good deeds and finding your bliss.
The Abyss is an infinite plane of demons, chaos, and evil. Might makes right on this plane, and the only way to survive is to increase your power over others.
Journey through the blazing fires of the Plane of Fire, visit the City of Brass, and take on the elementals of fire.
This plane is made up of hundreds of planets that stretch across dim red sky. Those who wander onto this plane become prisoners, unable to leave the Tartarien Depths of Carceri.
Journey through the Ever-Changing Chaos of Limbo, this elemental soup of matter and energy constantly changing in and out of its form.
Venture into the horrifying Nine Hells of Baator, where devils plot and the Blood War rages on.
The Outlands, the center of the Great Wheel cosmology where all the Outer Planes rotate around the Spire.
Visit the Olympian Glades of Arborea, the breadbasket of the planes, where passions run high and the wine flows in great revelries and feasts!