A plane of cogs, laws, and order - many assume that Mechanus is the clockwork of the multiverse.
All in The Planes
A plane of cogs, laws, and order - many assume that Mechanus is the clockwork of the multiverse.
The Plane of Water hides many mysterious under the Darkened Depths, though those that can’t swim below the surface may never find it.
Sigil, also known as the City of Doors or the Cage, is the planar metropolis and nexus of the multiverse.
The riotous realm of change is home to ever-shifting dangers, powerful beings imprisoned for all time and the struggling settlements of genasi.
The Astral Plane is the space between everything, and is the nothingness of everywhere.
Visiting the Feywild can be a dangerous proposition for any adventurer, but the sheer beauty is worth it.
The planes, the material world and the cosmology of Dungeons & Dragons. This new series shows how you can use it in your games and how it all works.