We are reviewing the newest Monster Manual for Dungeons & Dragons 2024! Join us as we take a look at the latest ferocious monsters of this edition.
All tagged book review
We are reviewing the newest Monster Manual for Dungeons & Dragons 2024! Join us as we take a look at the latest ferocious monsters of this edition.
With the Dungeon Master’s Guide finally out, we take a deep look at the newest crafting rules. Prepare yourself to be underwhelmed as we dive into these new rules.
We review the latest sourcebook for Pathfinder 2e — War of Immortals — Dive into two new powerful mythic classes, new heritage, new mechanics, and mythic adventures!
A review of Jack of Shadows by Roger Zelazny - a wonderful setting filled with darkness, light, and thieves.
We are reviewing five short stories penned by H.P. Lovecraft including The Alchemist, The Tomb, and Dagon.
A review of The Long Tomorrow by Leigh Brackett, a novel that takes us across North America after the bombs drop.
A review of The Hobbit, one of the most famous books to influence Dungeons & Dragons.
A review of The King of Elfland’s Daughter a meandering book with a hoard of idea gems.
We review The Face in the Frost and find humor, horror, and wonderful adventuring ideas.
We check out the Conan series, reviewing the first five short stories and what we can steal for our games.