Ecology of the Planetar

Ecology of the Planetar

Kyra sat in the temple, still weary from the months in Hell. She had lost friends while there, fighting her way through the hordes of demons and devils. Even though they were locked in the eternal conflict known as Blood War, she and her comrades still had to fight through the masses to bring back the sword on the stone bench next to her. Before her fall from grace, the weapon belonged to the angel Zariel, and Kyra answered Tyr's call to retrieve the sword. (1) Why the Just God tasked her with the quest was unknown, but it was not her place to question her god. She only wished she knew what to do now, as her prayers to Tyr had gone unanswered. Sensing her inner confusion, the sword radiated a sense of peace, putting Kyra in a slightly calmer state. It did not stop her mind from wondering what to do next.

Rising from the bench to head back into the temple's inner sanctum and resume her prayers, a flash of impossibly bright light radiated from her left. Turning to look, she found herself staring at a majestic creature. It towered over Kyra, easily 9 feet tall. The creature's muscular body was utterly void of body hair, and its opulent emerald skin gave off a shimmer. Two immense wings covered with impossibly white feathers sprouted from its back. (2) In its left hand was a gigantic sword, which the creature held lazily by its side. A palpable aura of what could only be described as goodness flowed from the creature. "An angel of Tyr," Kyra thought to herself. 

As if reading her mind, the angel spoke. "I am Antonia of Hjördis, planetar of the great god Tyr, the Even-Handed, the Blind Overlord, the Wounded One."

The angel continued after a brief pause. "On this plane of existence, you know me as Resounding Justice. (3) I am here at the behest of our god in answer to your prayers." Kyra had often thought an angel's voice would be loud and booming, but it spoke at a normal volume in a peaceful and soothing tone.

Kyra had met, fought, and been friends with all manner of creatures in her lifetime, but the site of this angel left her a little awestruck. She had known several celestial beings, although none had been as powerful and never in the service of her god. She took a step back, not out of fear but more out of respect. 

"Thank you, and praise to Tyr for answering my call," said Kyra. "I did not realize that the Even Handed would send one of his greatest generals to answer my questions. Honestly, I'm starting to feel a bit foolish." 

"There's no reason for that," said the planetar. "You have done Tyr a great service without question or a request for acknowledgment or reward. So few are willing to do so these days. The least I can do is heal those wounds that have not been tended to yet."

Kyra had been in such a rush she had forgotten about the torn flesh on her back. A fiend had dragged its claws down the entire length, and the wounds still bled. The planetar stepped forward, and as it laid its hands on Kyra's shoulder, all pain disappeared from her body. (4) 

Resounding Justice paused for a moment, a genuine smile on its lips. "Besides," it said, "I enjoy visiting this plane. It has been far too long since I left the Outer Planes. Mount Celestia is a sight to behold, and the plains of Bytopia are beautiful beyond words. Still, such beauty can grow stale if one gazes upon it too long." (5)

"I have not had the privilege of visiting those realms. I hope to one day before my passing from the mortal coil." Kyra remembered seeing the portal to Mount Celestia when she was on Sigil and vowed to return.

"I'm sure you shall." said the planetar. "But for now, we must speak of your next task. It is a simple one; to give me the Sword of Zariel." Resounding Justice did not say this as a command but in a simple, matter-of-fact way. 

The sword stopped emitting any emotion, falling silent. Kyra glanced at it briefly, not realizing she had it in her hand. "I must have picked it up when I went to pray," she thought. 

"Of course," Kyra said. "If I may be so bold to ask, what does a mighty being such as yourself need this weapon for? I have heard the greatest angels carry swords of incredible power that only they can wield." Kyra looked at the giant sword the planetar held.

"We did once, but alas, no more. Few, if any, celestial blades exist anymore, and I know not a single planetar that carries one." Kyra sensed a hint of longing and wondered if Resounding Justice once wielded such a weapon. (6) "While our weapons are powerful, none have the power like the one you hold in your hands."

"No matter," the planetar continued. "I will carry the sword of the fallen angel into battle against the fiends that are gathering in Avernus. Our brother Nascius, trapped for so long, told us of Avernus's descent into chaos when Zariel was slain. We were content to let the demons fight amongst themselves for control." 

The planetar piercing blue eyes stared directly into Kyra's. "Things have changed, however. The demons have put aside their differences. They now have set their eyes on a bigger prize than the first layer of Hell. Working together, they plan to overrun the Material plane and claim it for their own." 

Resounding Justice's eyes moved from Kyra's to the sword. "This is why I need the sword. I will lead the angels of Tyr against the scum of Hell, slaughtering those who dare to cross over to this plane." The angel continued, its eyes lighting up as it spoke of killing demons. It wasn't bloodlust but a hatred of evil and a raw desire to deliver justice and bring peace to the land. "Whether by the blade or the searing flame of radiant light granted by Tyr, they shall be stopped." (7) (8)

Kyra reached out her hand, holding the sword and offering it to the angel. "It is yours." But as she said this, Kyra felt the sword tell her in no uncertain terms, no. She found it strange that the sword could not speak. Still, the emotions it conveyed to her since obtaining it were better than any words in the dozen languages she knew. 

She lowered her hand, still holding the sword. "I am sorry, but the sword does not wish to go with you." Some may have worried about offending the angel, but Kyra felt at peace with what she was saying. "It is saying that it must remain with me."

The planetar looked at Kyra, its face void of any emotion. After a second, it gave a slight nod. "I believe you." (9) The angel continued, "The sword of Zariel chooses those it finds worthy to wield it, and the sword has found you so." 

Kyra returned the planetar's nod and sheathed the sword. "So now what?" she asked.

"It seems your next task is not as simple as first thought," replied the angel. "How do you feel about one more trip to hell?"

  1. The Sword of Zariel is an artifact from the adventure Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus (2019).

  2. Planetars were initially pale, white-skinned angels Dragon Magazine #64 August (1982). Beginning in the 2nd edition sourcebook, Monstrous Compendium: Outer Planes Appendix (1991), a planetar's appearance was described as muscular and hairless, with either opalescent green or emerald skin and white-feathered wings.

  3. The planetar Resounding Justice was an emissary of Tyr and opened a portal to begin the Procession of Justice. The Grand History of the Realms, September (2007)

  4. The planetar's healing touch ability magically restores 30 (6d8 + 3) hit points and is freed from any curse, disease, poison, blindness, or deafness. They may use this cure-for-all touch four times per day. Monster Manual, (2014)

  5. Angels can be of any good alignment. Lawful good angels are from the plane of Celestia, neutral good angels from the plane of Elysium or the Beastlands, and chaotic good angels from the plane of Arborea. 3.5e Monster Manual, (2003)

  6. A celestial blade is +3 bastard sword is the favored weapon of planetars. It always shines light in a 20-foot radius, with shadowy illumination at 40 feet. For those that have never played the earlier editions, a bastard sword was the biggest one-handed sword money could buy. Most such blades are typically engraved with the symbol of the deity served by the planetar. Book of Exalted Deeds, (2003).

  7. The 5th edition planetar can cast the following spells: at will: detect evil and good, and invisibility (self only). 3/day each: blade barrier, dispel evil and good, flame strike, raise dead. 1/day each: commune, control weather, insect plague. This is a far cry from the earlier editions, where the angel had over twenty-five spells at its disposal, including earthquake, fire storm, and symbol. 5th Edition Monster Manual, (2014) & Monstrous Compendium: Outer Planes Appendix (1991).

  8. In Dragon Magazine #287 (September 2001), a suggested storyline involving a planetar revolved around the angel needing a powerful artifact to do battle on the Outer Planes. It states that if the adventurers aren't willing to give up the artifact willingly, the planetar will take it by force. It isn't a very "good alignment" thing to do if you ask me.

  9. The planetar's divine awareness trait allows it to know a lie when it hears one. Just like moms everywhere. 5th edition Monster Manual (2014).

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