A Player's Guide to Feats - Martial Adept

A Player's Guide to Feats - Martial Adept

* This feat is not listed as an option in the 2024 Player’s Handbook since the Battle Master is no longer a subclass option for the Fighter. We’ll be looking at the feat using the 2014 Player’s Handbook.*

What is the Martial Adept Feat

You have martial training that allows you to perform special combat maneuvers. You gain the following benefits:

You learn two maneuvers of your choice from among those available to the Battle Master archetype in the fighter class. If a maneuver you use requires your target to make a saving throw to resist the maneuver's effects, the saving throw DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength or Dexterity modifier (your choice).

You gain one superiority die, which is a d6 (this die is added to any superiority dice you have from another source). This die is used to fuel your maneuvers. A superiority die is expended when you use it. You regain your expended superiority dice when you finish a short or long rest.

Player’s Handbook (2014)

Dissecting the Feat

Interestingly, you gain two maneuvers while only getting one superiority die. It’s a d6, so it’s not even the d8 a battle master fighter starts with. So right off the bat, the feat has its appeal diminished. Then, given that you only get one superiority die per long rest, the feat drops even further down the list of feats to consider.

I assume getting to pick two maneuvers gives the player options depending on their situation. This makes the feat slightly more appealing. Without gaining additional maneuvers or swapping them out, there’s some pressure when picking. So it could be that since there are so many choices, it reduces the pressure of choosing two. Once again, with only one die per long rest, you’ll still have a choice to make when in combat.

Rather than list all the maneuvers here, let’s look at which would be the best in each class. As usual, there are some classes where the feat isn’t worth taking. Spellcasters generally have no reason to take the feat unless they’ve decided on a career change or have taken a dip into the fighter class. That wouldn’t be smart, in my humble opinion, but who am I to tell you to play for character?

The Martial Adept Useability by Class

Artificer: Not worth taking.

Barbarian: The barbarian could benefit from several maneuvers. Obviously, most involve a chance to hit things. We all know people take the barbarian so they can hit creatures. The catch is you'll only want to take one of the two since they both use your Reaction. There's no sense in doubling up on Reaction options since you only have one die. (This will apply to all other classes, so I'm only mentioning it once) The best two options are Brace and Riposte, as they do just that - giving them an additional attack, so we'll need to discuss a third option to go with either of the first two.

Brace allows you to use your Reaction to hit someone if they make the mistake of getting too close. Path of the Berserker, Path of the World Tree, and Path of the Zealot already have Reaction options, so Brace ( and Riposte) may not be the best choice if playing that subclass.

Riposte will be a great choice for anyone who takes the feat. How dare someone try to hit you! When the poor creature misses, they will realize their mistake as Riposte lets you expend your die and use your Reaction to attack them. If (when) you hit, roll the die and add the number to your damage. That will teach them.

Lunging Attack lets the barbarian hit something that is 10 feet away. It's another opportunity to hit something. Remember, hitting things is the main reason for the barbarian to consider the feat. Sweeping Attack is also a viable option.

Bard: Only the College of Valor should consider the feat. Valor has Combat Inspiration, so Reaction options don't make much sense. Commanding Presence and Rally are good options. Commanding Presence for the Charisma check bonus and Rally because you use the die roll and your Charisma modifier to give a friend temporary hit points.

Cleric: Not worth taking. Not even for the War Cleric.

Druid: You only benefit in Wild Shape form. Assuming you're a bear (cause why wouldn't you be), Menacing Attack for the flavor and Risposte are the best actions.

Fighter: Best class to consider taking the feat, but only is playing a Battle Master fighter. The superiority die a d6, so that sucks. You do get two additional maneuvers to choose from. Even then, you can use them except in conjunction with the feat (meaning you can only use the d6) and again, only once per Long Rest. So maybe it's not that great after all.

Monk: Another decent option. Avoiding the Reaction feats, Evasive Footwork for the AC bonus, and Pushing attack to move an opponent out of melee range are good options.

Paladin: There are some good options here. Feinting Attack and Ripsote are the best choices. Feinting Attack gives you Advanatge on the next attack roll, and any chance to hit something and use your Smite is always worth it. Riposte because it's Riposte.

Ranger: There are some good options here. Focusing on defensive options as the Ranger will probably have a lower Armor Class due to armor proficiencies. Evasive Footwork and Parry and good options

Rogue: There are some good options here. Trip Attack is a fantastic option. Knocking someone Prone to gain Advantage on the next attack allows them to use their Sneak Attack. Feinting Attack because, once again, Advanatge is the name of the game for the rogue. Ambush is another solid option as it utilizes their Dexterity ability score when making a Stealth check.

Sorcerer: Not worth taking.

Warlock: Not worth taking.

Wizard: Not worth taking.


All in all, Martial Adept is near the bottom of the feat options. With only one superiority die, and that die being a d6, there are too many other good options for every class to consider taking the feat.

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